Abstract math art and design. Veiled Grid, an image (with ellipse detail) in shades of grey, made with trigonometric functions.
T12d detail

Veiled Grid

T12d, an example of mathematical art and design, made using trigonometric functions and low degree polynomials.

Here is a fine art print of this mathematical artwork.

This picture is less symmetric than it would be otherwise because a 2-vertex directed graph with probabilities has been used to restrict the order in which the various functions are applied (the functions being trigonometric functions composed with low degree polynomials). The functions and probabilities are assigned to the edges in the directed graph. We travel from one vertex to another (in the directed graph) using an edge which is decided upon by using a random number generator and the probabilities associated with the edges. The function associated with the chosen edge is then applied in the iterative process. This idea is similar to the way that a directed graph can be used to create fractals as described here.